11.1    Valerie Mainstone:


Dame Marianne Griffiths, CEO of West Sussex Hospitals Trust and of Brighton Sussex Universities Hospital Trust, now wishes to merge them into a single entity. Meanwhile, Sir Simon Stevens, CEO of NHS England "hopes" that there will be only one CCG corresponding to each Integrated Care System by April 2020. Does the HOSC share my concern that these proposed mergers will be the death knell of local decision-making, and result in a democratic deficit, whereby Brighton & Hove GPs currently serving on our CCG, and Brighton & Hove Councillors currently serving on our HWB and HOSC, will find it very hard to represent our local interests on enormous regional bodies?



11.2    Chris Tredgold:


'Care Home residents have been the most severely affected by Covid-19 - accounting for over 40% of England’s high death rate.

Age and undiagnosed infected patients discharged from hospital have been causes of this - but so have a lack of testing and adequate PPE.

Testing is at last planned - weekly for the staff, monthly for the residents.

Homes and Local authorities need the results quickly.

How will the HOSC ensure that all staff and residents in Care Homes receive clear test results and that all staff have access to adequate PPE?'